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Get to know us and be our friends!

Sumiko is one of leading home-based hair and beauty studio in Singapore. With decades of expec

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The Amazing Journey of Sumiko

Sumiko was born out of passion, dedication, and a dream to redefine beauty. Behind the name stands an inspiring Chinese-Indonesian woman whose journey began over two decades ago, with a pair of scissors, an artist's heart, and an unwavering belief in the transformative power of beauty.
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Trusted by our valued clients

In a few years establishing business in Singapore, not only we took parts in many incredible and honorable events, we also work on the hair of our valued clients in Singapore

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Stay Gorgeous with Sumiko as Your Best Friend!

Make appointment with us and keep your beauty on point

Ready to Glow?
Book Your Glam Session Now!

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Sumiko Stylist

Registration No. (UEN): 53472215J

Block 113, 113 Bukit Batok West Ave 6, Singapore 650113

(+65) 81104619

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