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Find answers to your questions about our services at Sumiko

3 to 6 months range is the perfect time to get a haircut regularly in order to achieve well-maintained style. However, this will depend on each personal preference. However, 6 months is averagely the longest period hairstyle could still be maintained and styled well.

Yes! Sumiko does provide advice on hair care product and tips. Feel free to drop your questions anytime to Sandra (:

To decide the hair length, dearest client can always refer to the following picture. Anything longet than the picture will be considered as extra-long. The measurement will count after the haircut session is done.

Nothing! But a simple measure of keeping your hair hygiene well is more than enough.

Hair wash is provided at Sumiko. On the appointment day, you can come with washed hair or without depending on your own convenience.

Sumiko does not provide online consultation for coloring. However, we provide FREE in-person consultation. The main reason is because we are strictly cautious about hair coloring process which involves chemicals that might impact accordingly to each client hair condition. This approach of in-person consultation is our form of caring for our dearest clients.

Any fixing session for failed haircut or color will depend on consultation. Do not hesitate to reach us at 81104619 to arrange a free consultation session for you.

Hair coloring session will take time as short at 90 minutes up until 6 hours depending on which color you are inquiring and how long your hair length is.

Yes! At Sumiko, you are allowed to bring your own hair dye. We would want the best for our clients as well, so if you have your go-to hair color, feel free to bring it to our studio!

Sumiko Stylist

Registration No. (UEN): 53472215J

Block 113, 113 Bukit Batok West Ave 6, Singapore 650113

(+65) 81104619

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